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Breaking Out Of A Bad Habit

Breaking Out Of A Bad Habit

We all one way or the other have a peculiar bad habit, we've tried to shake it off but we just tend to go back to the habit... My friend keeps saying my being quiet in company is a very bad habit... I tried, really tried to break out of it but guess what I still always went back to the habit, WHY? Because habit doesn't only mean an action done repeatedly and automatically... It is actually a way of life, when a habit becomes ingrained in you,it becomes a culture to you and you never change any culture by just wishing. So my dear friends, I'll like you to buckle up and enjoy this ride because when you consciously enter this vehicle and fulfil all conditions, you'll be surprised at what will be your destination or should I say bus stop (I think I like that better cos you have to keep improving). A habit becomes bad when it is disastrous to you instead of being advantageous.

Now how do we break out of that habit?

1. Decide and bring yourself to the point of seeing a bad habit as a bad habit... I personally never say my being quiet as a bad habit even when my friend kept on talking about and getting others to side until I thought about it(I mean really thought about it) and got to the conclusion that if I was the one on my friends side of things and they were on my side, I wouldn't like to be treated with a cool calm stare always.

2. Always have it at the back of your mind that breaking out is not instantaneous... If you think it is Wish-Decide-Poof, it's gone... You're in for a whole lot of surprise.... Have an understanding that it is gradual and there are days that you will have a relapse,its certain, but how to treat it will go a long way, the road is not a smooth one; but the end justifies the means,

3. No one can make you stop a bad habit except yourself.... You can achieve this by repeatedly telling yourself what is bad about your habit, you can know this by going online to search for the advantage and disadvantage of that bad habit.

4. I want you to know that bad habits can only be replaced not killed..... To break out of a bad habit, search for a good habit to do it instead of engaging in the bad habit....  It could be reading, swimming, anything you want. When you imbibe in this new good habit, gradually it will become a culture in pIace of the bad habit. When I saw how disastrous my habit was... I broke out of it by being chatty but at the same time not too chatty and not being chatty in a meaningless way.

5. Locate the trigger, understand and eliminate them, sometimes it might mean you just have to leave where you are, cos It might be your environment that is triggering the habit.

6. Always think of the "FUTURE" you... this helps in coming to terms with who you are now and who you'll be in the future, if they don't correlate, then you can go ahead check out the habit that bring the difference and expunge it.

Oluwadabira Joy

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