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If many of us had known that success is not just for a set of people, I guess many of us would have found out ways in which we could have been successful business wise and in any aspect of our lives and I know we would have had a lot of successful people in this world by now. Just because you were born with a wooden or plastic spoon doesn’t mean you can die with a silver or golden spoon or make sure your children are born with a silver or golden spoon.

Being unsuccessful is not hereditary, it’s based on our beliefs and attitudes to things that bring about success.
We’ll take a look at the beliefs and attitudes of successful business people around us so as to know things we should and shouldn’t imbibe in to become successful in our various businesses.


Everyone has his or her own unique way of achieving success but there are some basic factors that is common amongst them. Here are some

 1. Being productive and not just working and working: If it were all about working and working, then a lot of masons, hair dressers, cobblers, tailors etc. ought to be amongst the most successful people of our time. We work under other business people, we are paid by time but if we try this out with our businesses most especially growing businesses, then in a short while, the business will run down. Reward yourself in being productive and not by working and working. Agreed, working is part of being productive but it’s not the only ingredient in being productive.

2. Being a goal setter: success is not about setting unrealistic goals (NOTE: unrealistic goals might become realistic after some prior realistic goals have being met). To be successful, set goals that are achievable within a specific time frame. Relevant goals that can be used as a tool to measure your progress.

3. Take crazy risks: a lot of people are stuck in the goal setting stage simply because they are scared of taking risks but as the saying goes not taking risk is simply a risk. You not taking risk is affecting you so why not take it? If it doesn’t go well, you learn from it, if it goes well, you rejoice.

4. Eat and exercise regularly: what good is it when the business thrives and you don’t have the good health to enjoy it. A real successful person eats well, not because he or she is hungry but because he or she knows that his body needs nutrients to function well, and exercising keeps the body fit.

5. Having a balanced life: don’t for anything put your business over your loved ones, leisure, health, relationships. The idea of working and working without rest with this saying “work now and enjoy later” it has a terrible comeback. Take for example, you abandon the bringing up of your children claiming to be working to clothe them and feed them, you won’t know when they will grow up and you won’t have a tangible input in their lives because not everything in life is about money. Living a balanced life would help you to work and still have enough energy to fall back on.

6. Being realistically optimistic: when you focus on being optimistic, some opportunities would be caught on time which can’t happen if you focus on negative things. See your cup as half full not half empty.

7. Learning how to delegate: everything must not be done by you, delegating relieves you of a whole lot of things and it will the work easier on you.

8. Do not be over confident: always have failure in perspective, this will allow you to dodge some mistakes. However, do not allow your failure to take away your confidence, most businesses succeed on a series of failure.

9. They learn from other peoples’ experiences: why make the same mistake that someone else has made when you can actually from them. Buy books and read up, expand your knowledge about your business, don’t be Mr. know it all.

10. Take account of their progress: this would help to know if there’s progress or retrogression. The log, when seen by prospective partners or investors makes it easier to predict the future.

11. Know when to say NO: not all business proposition is a good or feasible one, some businesses can land you in debt, so always know when to say no but in a way that will keep that business door open.

12. Never forget GOD: He is the one that knows the end from the beginning, so build a relationship with Him and He will direct your path.


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