“The power is you” is a self motivating article that can make you discover your own self and be a great achiever in life.
First, what is power? Power according to Oxford dictionary it defines it as “the ability or opportunity to do something”. But I would like to define power as having the belief in oneself to be able to drive towards a set standard or goal.
Second, who is you? You are wondering what kind of question that is? Well I would define “you” to you. You in simple terms is whom you are now and its that same you that would have that power to achieve your standard or goal.
To achieve a goal is not an easy task, you cannot just wake up one day without making any previous plans and you’d say you’ve achieved a goal. No way!!! It can’t happen. So, to achieve this goals, you need to set goals although its not easy but I’d guide you on that.
1. IDENTIFY YOUR GOALS: Sit down and think through, what do you wish to achieve in life, set them aside for easy prioritization.
2. PRIOTIZE YOUR GOALS: After identifying your goals, you need to take it one at a time to be able to achieve them. You need to think, which one should I go after first. After you iron that out, then you are ready for the next stage.
6. HOPE: After that you hope and then pray that what all your efforts proves to be a hit.
3. PRAY: As the Holy book says, anything you do, you must put God first. To pursue you your goals pray to God about your plans and he would surely guide you through.
4. AIM: After praying, the next step for you is to aim. According to a popular saying, “heaven helps those who help themselves”. To achieve your goals, you aim, focus and don’t let anything sway you away from your goals.
5. WORK: You then get up and work. That way, you are taking the first step towards toward greatness.
After taking all these steps to set goals, you should except nothing but guaranteed “SUCCESS”. Through this, you can then discover your real self.
NOTE: According to a popular saying, “knowledge is power”. All you need is knowledge and then you discover that “THE POWER IS YOU”.
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