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List of universities that accept the 120 cut-off mark by jamb

23 Nigerian universities have accepted the a 120 cut-off mark delivered via JAMB - about 26 others have pegged their cut-off marks at 180 such as Veritas college - the colleges, basically private, are some of the 168 universities in Nigeria whose cut-off marks were released in step with a recent listing of 168 universities released on Friday, September 1, at least 23 Nigerian universities have accepted the 120 cut-off mark lately brought by means of the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB). top class times says the colleges are on the whole private and lots of them are at specific elements of the country.


1. Achievers University
 2. Adeleke University
3. Caleb University 
4. Fountain University 
5. Caritas University 
6. Novena University 
7. Renaissance University 
8. Ojiagu-agbani University 
9. Evangel University 
10. McPherson University 
11. South Western University 
12. Samuel Adegboyega University 
13. Wellspring University
14. Western Delta University 
15. Wesley University 
16. Summit University 
17. Edwin Clark University 
18. Hezekiah University 
19. Kings University 
20. Arthur Javis University 
21. Crown Hill University 
22. Clifford University 
23. Coal City University.

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